She Said Yes!

We are honored and delighted to invite you to our summer wedding on the picturesque island of Björkö, located in the northern  archipelago of Gothenburg on the Swedish West Coast. The breathtaking scenery, with bare cliffs next to the sea, creates a perfect backdrop for our special day.

Our love story began on Tinder, where Kristian received a notification that he had recieved a like from Marilyn, who he found stunningly beautiful. After they matched, Kristian made contact through the chat function, even though he was going on a business trip to Belgium and could not meet sooner. Marilyn initially thought Kristian was making excuses not to meet, but they eventually agreed on an time and place for their first date. They quickly realized that they shared a love for Star Wars, and Marilyn even told Kristian to "look for the Asian Ewok".

Their first date was supposed to be a quick fika, but it turned into a six-hour-long date filled with laughter and fun. Kristian slipped and fell when he exited the car to meet Marilyn. He enjoyed the date so much he didn't want Marilyn to leave.









A year and a half passed, during the summer of 2020 amidst the Corona pandemic, they paddled in Glafsfjorden, outside Arvika, to a small island called Skagen. Kristian had been planning and scouting for the perfect spot to propose during their entire trip. Marilyn was making lunch on the portable stove when Kristian suddenly knelt down and asked her to marry him.

She said, "YES!" and that day, Marilyn not only caught a perch fish, but also everlasting love. Later that evening, she prepared the fish for their first dinner as an engaged couple.

And as the saying goes, the rest is history...